Monday, April 12, 2021

ГИА 9 Модуль 5 - Spotlight - 9 - Всё для урока (по классам...

The use of shadows as a motif is easily one of the most common forms of symbolism used in film. Typically used to highlight the darkness of a character, or The first shot of Ben back in his parents' home has him framed entirely by the fish tank in his room, making him seemingly appear underwater...The first film ever created with an accompanying soundtrack was William Dickson's test project on A Phonoscene - one of the first devices capable of presenting film with sound to a group audience. The development of the first color film followed a similarly complicated path that of the first films...He used bright colours and, over time, his clothes became more and (7) __MORE____extravagant. The more successful his collections were, the (8) Why? Read the text below and complete each blank with one word. Gianni Versace was one of the (1) _MOST_____ successful fashion designers...3. The Transformers film is very popular _ the young people. 4. The Dali became the most expensive Surrealist lot sold ____ auction last month. 1.Pushkin is one of the best poet ….. all time. 2.He is popular ….. fans of art cinema. 3.This director is famous ….. his comedies. 4.Who stars …..Put the paragraphs of the argumentative essay in the correct order. 15. Нравится Показать список оценивших.

First Movie Ever Made: The invention of moving pictures

The film is filled with abstract imagery that may be difficult to interpret, but its beauty is easy to admire. If you enjoy this video essay, please consider subscribing for more content like it!2. Mozart is one of the best composers _ all time. 8. The second youngest billionaire of the world Mark Zuckerberg is famous _____ creating Facebook. 9. I think, high quality special effects add value _ the Harry Potter films.Films play an important role in the life of any society. The cinema has become part of the modern (1) In order to find the correct word, use your knowledge of grammar to understand what part of That's why watching films has become a new form of entertainment and is considered to be one of...History of film, history of cinema from the 19th century to the present. Learn about the development of the first viable motion-picture camera and other technological advances and One photograph of a series taken by Eadweard Muybridge of a running horse. Courtesy of the British Film Institute, London.

First Movie Ever Made: The invention of moving pictures

italki - What would you complete the missing gaps with? Why?

This was the first in a series of films which earned him a lot of money. He also won several for best actor. In his free time he plays the guitar. The money will be used to ………. the school with new computer equipment. (provide) 12.Imagery means to use figurative language to represent objects, actions and ideas in such a way that it appeals to our physical senses. Imagery is a literary device that refers to the use of figurative language to evoke a sensory experience or create a picture with words for a reader.No one person invented cinema. However, in 1891 the Edison Company successfully demonstrated a prototype of the Kinetoscope, which enabled one By 1906, the principles of colour separation were used to produce so-called 'natural colour' moving images with the British Kinemacolor process, first...This made movies more popular than ever. Movies began to replace theatre and vaudeville. Then in 1939, "Gone with the Wind", one of the first major movies filmed in colour, was on the screen. For many years movies used to be a major form of entertainment in America but their popularity began...Red Square is one of the first places to go to. With the snow falling gently, Saint Basil's Cathedral Another place one should certainly visit is Novodevichy Convent with its lacelike towers and golden There are many other winter sports that are popular such as snowboarding, sledding and ice fishing.

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Из истории американского кино.

В 1896 году в Америке Эдисон провел первый публичный показ кинофильмов. Это вызвало сенсацию. Кинотеатры открывались по всей стране. Люди называли их никелодионами. Вы могли посмотреть короткий художественный фильм в них за никель (5 центов). Эти короткометражки были не более чем немыми сценами из поставленных пьес или водевилей с субтитрами. В театре пианист играл музыку во время выступления. К 1910 году короткометражки зарабатывали больше денег, чем водевили и живой театр вместе.

Следующий этап совершенствования фильмов произошел в 1927 году, когда появились звуковые фильмы, или «talkies». Это сделало фильмы более популярными, чем когда-либо. Фильмы начали замещать театр и водевиль. Создатели фильмов также начали изучать мир специальных звуковых эффектов. Они узнали, что могут выразить настроение сцены с помощью звука пения птиц или шума ветра или дождя. Новые звуковые фильмы были более реалистичными, но они все еще были только черно-белыми.

Затем в 1939 году на экране появились «Унесенные ветром», один из первых крупных фильмов, снятых в цвете. Красота и реализм этого фильма удивили аудиторию. С этого года режиссеры узнали, что цвет тоже очень важен для создания настроения или особой атмосферы.

С конца 1920-х до 1950-х годов фильмы были самыми популярными из всех американских развлечений. Новая киноиндустрия, сосредоточенная вокруг Голливуда, Калифорния, дала работу тысячам людей. В городах и поселках по всей стране появились киностудии. В течение многих лет фильмы были основной формой развлечений в Америке, но их популярность начала падать в 1950-х годах.

Когда телевидение пришло практически в каждый дом, люди предпочитали оставаться дома. Казалось, было меньше причин выходить на улицу, когда они могли развлекаться в своей гостиной. К 1980 году только один американец из десяти сходил в кино за неделю. В то же время миллионы зрителей видят фильмы по телевизору или смотрят видео. Даже фильмы, которым больше 50 лет, продолжают привлекать людей. К ним относится такая классика, как «Волшебник страны Оз», «Белоснежка», «Унесенные ветром» и «Касабланка».

Решение #

1. На рубеже 19-20 веков

a) в Америке появился новый вид развлечений

b) Американцы называли короткометражные фильмы никелодионами

c) было довольно дорого смотреть фильм в кинотеатре

2. Первые звуковые фильмы в Америке

a) не внесли никаких изменений в сферу развлечений

b) добавили популярность кино как искусству

c) также были цветными фильмами

3. Цвет в киноиндустрии

а) помог таким развлечениям достичь лидирующей позиции

b) был менее важен, чем звук

c) был впервые использован в фильме «Унесенные ветром»

4. Хотя посещение кинотеатра стало менее популярным в Америке, теперь люди

а) предпочитают смотреть классику, которой 50 лет

b) стараются ходить в кино не реже одного раза в неделю

c) все еще смотрят много фильмов

1a, 2b, 3a, 4c.

6. Read the text and circle the highest variants (a—c) to entire the sentences after it. From the History of American Cinema In 1896 in America Edison held the first public showing of motion footage. That brought about a sensation. Movie houses opened across the nation. People referred to as them nickelodeons. You may watch a short feature film in them for a nickel (5 cents). Those shorts had been not more than silent scenes from staged performs or vaudevilles with subtitles. In the theatre a piano player was providing tune during the efficiency. By 1910 the shorts have been making more cash than vaudevilles and reside theatre in combination. The subsequent building in movies came in 1927 when sound films or "talkies" appeared. This made motion pictures more popular than ever. Movies started to replace theatre and vaudeville. Moviemakers additionally began to explore the international of particular sound results. They came upon they could categorical the temper of a scene via the sound of birds making a song or through the noise of the wind or rain. The new talkies have been extra realistic, however they had been still best in black-and-white. Then in 1939, "Gone with the Wind", one of the first primary motion pictures filmed in color, was on the display screen. The good looks and realism of this movie stunned audiences. From this year on, moviemakers realized that color, too, was crucial to set a temper or create a unique environment. From the overdue 1920s until the 1950s, films have been the maximum popular of all American entertainments. The new movie business, focused round Hollywood, California, gave work to hundreds of people. In towns and cities across the nation film palaces gave the impression. For many years motion pictures used to be a major shape of entertainment in America however their popularity began to fall in the 1950's. When television came practically to each and every house, other folks most popular to stay at home. There gave the impression to be less reason to move out when they might have entertainment in their own dwelling rooms. By 1980 only one American out of ten went to films in a given week. At the same time, alternatively, hundreds of thousands of viewers see films on television or watch movies. Even motion pictures which are more than 50 years old continue to attract other folks. They include such classics as "The Wizard of Oz", "Snow White", "Gone with the Wind", and "Casablanca".

1. At the flip of the 20th century a) a brand new type of entertainment gave the impression in America b) Americans known as quick films nickelodeons c) it was fairly pricey to watch a movie in a cinema space 2. The first sound films in America a) didn't convey any trade to the box of leisure b) added popularity to the cinema as an art c) had been also color films 3. Colour in movie business a) helped this sort of entertainment to reach the leading position b) was less necessary than sound c) was first used in the movie "Gone with the Wind" 4. Though going to the cinema changed into much less popular in America now other people a) favor to watch classics which might be 50 years previous b) check out to move to the cinema at least one time per week c) still watch lots of films

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